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Monday, September 7, 2015

Cheer Louder

I overheard two well-dressed Middle Eastern women talking at a drugstore checkout. The younger woman pointed to a magazine cover of Caitlyn Jenner & said "Have u seen this? This used to be a man. What a sad, scary world we're living in." To which the older woman simply said: "Oh my!" I was angry but kept quiet. They have their beliefs and I have mine and though theirs are based on fear and bigotry, they are entitled to them. But it reminded me why there is a culture divide and why I'm out in front with the rest of the progressive people. Though it is certainly, at times , a sad and scary world, Caitlyn Jenner is not one of the things that makes it so for me but one of the things that gives me hope for the future. When somebody who is unhappy in the body they were born with can finally be made whole by science, that is a beautiful thing. And what's even more beautiful is how a great deal of the world has accepted her and every other person in her position along with gays getting married and having equal rights. Love and acceptance is always beautiful in my opinion, and while it's true that there are some VERY vocal adversaries to equality and diversity (I'm lookin at u and everyone like u Kim Davis and ur cheerleader Huckabee), the trick in these transition years (pun intended) will be to simply cheer louder than them and love each other for our differences. I'm down for that. 

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