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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thoughts on the #UCCShooting

#UCCShooting I'm sick & tired of hearing about mass shootings. As some1 who suffers from depression & suicidal impulse & any other number of anxieties I understand about suffering and not knowing what to do at times and wanting to hurt others so that they can know how they have hurt you. Though not innocents. That part is always beyond me and that is why I would never become one of these dickheads. But let me just lay out some statements to all those involved as I will, inevitably over the next few days, become angered by the ridiculous "press" coverage of this event. 

To any future assassins out to murder innocents as a last attempt to get even with the world or whatever else it is you're doing: Stop being fucking cowards and simply shoot yourself in the head before u kill others. This act will not bring you peace. It will not make you a hero.  You will not be remembered. You are simply 1 in a long line of sad fucking assholes who will be forgotten except by the dozen or so people whose lives u have ruined forever. That is not a legacy to be proud of. No one thinks u are powerful. They think u are a sad, sorry excuse for a human being, probably just what u already think about yourself. So you are validating the very thing you do not want people to believe about you. Get help now, before you become a never ending footnote to someone else's misery.

To the asshole gun nuts who will no doubt trot out the same old pathetic lines 
- "If somebody had a gun on that campus there would have been no deaths" (Yea lemme give my Grandma a fuckin AK 47 so she can scare that dickhole who parked in her spot at Stop & Shop. This is a solution: arm everybody so that there are more angry intolerant assholes wandering around. Great fucking plan!)
- "One person does not a legislation change make. This was a lone wolf and you will have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands!" (I love guns. I do. I think they're wonderful for safety, protection, and hunting. And, let's face it, since guns are metaphors for cocks and I am a gay man, hardware can be impressive. I also acknowledge that the only way our country would have gotten off the ground is if common folk had guns. We're founded on an armed, terroristic act. We don't like to think of it in that way. But it's true. So I agree that guns can be a necessary evil. But enough is enough. When u spout this rhetoric you are like Typhoid Mary spitting into everyone's soup at Applebee's. At some point common sense and public safety have to trump your beliefs. You already gave up countless freedoms after 9/11 including the ability to not let some dickbag feel you up at the airport, the ability to not let the government spy on every phone call you make, every email you send, and every dickpic you swap. Why is that more tolerable than saving countless lives in the years to come?
- "This is happening because of equal marriage and gay tolerance." (I'm not even gonna answer this one. If you say shit like this you are JUST AS BAD AS THE SHOOTER, if not more, and you cause more harm to innocents like your children than the shooters.
If you are using any of these arguments or are still clinging to your gun rights blindly: GIVE IT UP. People are dying. There's been 1 mass shooting a week every week so far this year. Australia had 1 mass shooting and banned all guns and violent crime went down astronomically and there hasn't been another incident. America is at best a laughing stock at worst a tragedy to the rest of the world in regards to this issue, and you are the dance band of the Titanic valiantly but failingly trying to continue playing as the fucking ice floes start swirling around you. You need to change your stance and get on a lifeboat cuz right now you're standing in the way of the rest of us assholes.

To the "press" who will no doubt over the coming days try to mine every angle that they can to push their own evil agendas: SHAME ON YOU. You need to do better. You have forgotten in every sense what the word "journalism" means. DO BETTER.

And lastly to the groups which will try to politicize this act, whether they be pro black, anti-gay, pro gun, or whatever: Just stop. The people involved in this were not place cards in a cultural or political revolution. People are dead. Children are dead. Mourn them. Enact positive change on their behalf. And leave it at that. All else is disrespectful to their memory.

These are just the opinions of one angry man, for what they are worth. Sadly, next week they will still be just as relevant if you want to read them again when the next mass shooting occurs. I'll keep my fingers crossed until then 😞

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