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Friday, March 29, 2019

Meeting Mark Patton

Wow this has been a whirlwind week. Next week is probably going to be a massive comedown because i have NOTHING going on but it wouldn’t live up to 3 concerts and a horror convention anyway. Today I went to the 2nd Annual New Jersey Horror Con in Atlantic City to meet one of my first major crushes when I was a little queer boy still figuring himself out, Mark Patton aka Jesse in A Nightnare on Elm Street Part 2. For those who don’t know the history of that movie, I’ll probably have to do a whole separate post about it but suffice to say it’s one of the gayest movies ever made by (mostly) str8 people who didn’t realize they were making something gay. The high school gym teacher finds Jesse in a leather daddy bar and brings him back to the gym where he prepares to whip him with jump ropes. Seriously. But I digress. Mark later came out, pop culture billed him as the first (and so far only) male scream queen, and he wrote a biography and crowdfunded and produced a movie about his Nightmare experience. As a gay horror fan who bemoans the lack of queer representation in the genre, Mark is an icon. And he’s pretty damn hot in the movie too lol

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