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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Jaws - The Sharksploitation Edit

I've weirdly never talked about this on here but Jaws is one of my favorite movies of all time. I was 5!!! when my parents first took me to see it and it instilled a lifelong mortal fear of sharks and the ocean in me. Not in a horrible I can't function or ever go to the beach again kind of way but definitely in a I can't help but worry about what's swimming beneath me whenever I'm in the ocean.kind of way. This is pretty fucking epic. Somebody took Jaws and reworked it using a variety of sources (other movies, deleted scenes) to make what they call The Sharksploitation Edit which seems to be as if the movie was made as an Italian ripoff of Jaws which when I word it that way sounds like it's going to be awful but actually it's way cool. I apologize for having to post the movie in so many parts but it's way too large to post as one file on here and YouTube would nuke it for copyright so you have to watch it piecemeal. I'll put all the parts in order. Enjoy!


  1. Terrific and perfect timing!
    JAWS is playing at my local theater! I'm excited to finally see it on the big screen!
    Oh, and I used to be afraid of taking a bath after I first saw it! 😆

  2. Oh man that's awesome I've seen it like hundreds of times by now undoubtedly and I'd still go see it again lol. Enjoy, John!
